
Showing posts with the label OUR UNIVERSE

Our Earth Was Dangerously ILL

Earth is a creature. Earth is life. Earth is our home. Now Earth have old. Earth have not fresh as 50 years ago. The place where all creature alive and survive have damaged. There are many thing that caused our Earth damage. one of them is global warming. Our Earth has more hot from year to year. But they do not aware at that situation. They know about how terrible effect of global warming is, but they still arrogant. They regard them self are leader,have power. Very funny.

The Earth is A Tiny Star In the Huge Milky Way

Do you think planet, a place where all kind of creature live is very huge? yeah i think so before i know the fact that show if our planet (Earth) is just a little star in the huge milky way galaxy. What is the milky way? The Milky Way is the galaxy which is the home of our Solar System together with at least 200 billion other stars (more recent estimates have given numbers around 400 billion) and their planets, and thousands of clusters and nebulae, including at least almost all objects of Messier's catalog which are not galaxies on their own (one might consider two globular clusters as possible exceptions, as probably they are just being, or have recently been, incorporated or imported into our Galaxy from dwarf galaxies which are currently in close encounters with the Milky Way: M54 from SagDEG, and possibly M79 from the Canis Major Dwarf).