The Top 10 Most Expensive Cars in The World Year 2022 (Final Part)

The most expensive cars in the world are put under the luxury category people buy luxury cars because they're enjoyable to drive perform better than economy cars and give their owners a sense of accomplishment luxury vehicles are frequently outfitted with the most recent safety features technological Integrations and performance components, so they are worth the money we'll see the most expensive cars in 2022 with all of those features and benefits. Here are the top 10 most expensive cars in 2022. (Read Part 1 (Top 10 - Top 5) here) Number 4: PAGANI ZONDA HP BARCHETTA Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta The 17.6 million dollars price Bugatti automobile's first car was the Zonda. This car was given to the company's founder Horatio Pagani for his 60th birthday the car was also built to commemorate zonda's 18th anniversary. One HP barchetta is kept for Horatio pagani's personal use one of these vehicles was recently sold for 17.6 million dollars it has a...